Saturday (Sabado) 1st May, 2010
Day 414

Mendoza, Argentina
Mendoza, Argentina
Miles: 42,342
S 32.85498°
W 68.89638°

We spent the day at the campground.

There was a young Swiss couple camped beside us. As the morning wore on we lent them Nina's computer so that they could burn their photos onto CD, a lengthy exercise that gave us an excuse to hang around the campground chatting. (They were still working at one the following morning.)

Late in the morning people started arriving. By lunchtime we must have had two dozen cars and 80 people picnicking beside us. Later when we walked to a nearby store we saw about 15 families picnicking on the grass in the middle of a large roundabout. It dawned on us eventually that this is probably the traditional May Day celebration.